Hi There!

Thanks for being a part of our special day! We hope that you will find helpful information on this website about our event and everything surrounding it. If you don't find what you're looking for, please just click the links on the left side of any page to email either one of us.

Michael and Erin

How to Use this Website

This website has lots of information, as well as lots of links to other websites with restaurant menus, hotel information and more. The major parts of the website are always listed on the left side of the page, you can always find what you are looking for by clicking one of the larger yellow titles there.

To find even more detailed information, click on the underlined teal links where you see them. A new website window with information will appear, when you've found the information that you are looking for, just close the window and you will be brought back to this website.

You can always find your way back to this page by clicking our names at the top of every page. If you have any questions, please just email us by clicking the links on the left side of every page. Thanks!